Dear Valued Customers, We will be on Chinese New Year Holiday from Jan 18th to Feb 2nd, 2020 and will be back to work on ...
Dear Valued Customers, Thank you all for making the year 2019 a great year. Thanks for your support same as usual.Your tr...
Dear Valued Customers, We will be off on Jan 1st, 2020 for the New Year. Thanks for your kind support in the year of 2...
This order is shipped by International Express. Those are guitar accessories such as guitar bags, guitar hanger, guitar cable...
Guitar and guitar accessories are on the way. Thanks for the repeat order from our customer!
Guitar straps were shipped to USA by International Express last week. Customer got it and is happy with them! Thanks...
According to the News from NAMM, the CITES has issued official notice that the exemption for musial instruments on rosewood spec...
Guitars and accessories are on the way to Moldova. Thanks for the order from our agent in Moldova.
Dear Valued Customers, We will be off from October 1st to October 6th for our 70th National Day and will be back to work ...
Our agent in Moldova is selling quite good. Last shipment was in May 5th. Now new shipment is on the way again. This sh...