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Will the rosewood in musical instruments be exempt from the CITES?

2019/05/21 15:30:30

In January of 2017, All Dalbergia species other than Brazilian rosewood(Dalbergia Nigra, under Appendix I) was listed under CITES Appendix II, effecting the intenational commercial trade of guitars. As we we know, rosewood are widely used in the fingerboard, bridge, binding, back and sides of the guitars. It has caused a lot of trouble to guitar manufactures, dealers and importers. Though our factory- Gz Hansi Musical Instruments Co., Limited has find new wood to replace the fingerboard and bridge, it is difficult to find  perfect replacement for the back and sides.

Now it seems that good news is coming...

India demands removal of rosewood from CITES. It contends that the trade of rosewood doesn't need to be regulated as it grows at very fast rate and is not threatened. Down to earth had reported in November 2017 about how the regulation of dalbergia trade was hurting handicraft makers in the country. New proposals were presented by a working group at the 70th CITES convention held in Sotchi in October 2018. They would exempt musical instruments, their components and accessories both in commercial and non-commercial trade.  It should be designed to prevent illegal logging in the furniture industry, while it is " Collateral damage" to the musical instrument industry. The Conference will vote on the proposed changes on the meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Following is the meeting plan in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Certain dates and events remain to be confirmed.

We wait for the news from the meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka and will update it once getting the news.


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